
1. 上傳你最喜歡的角落照片至place27的臉書粉絲頁面http://www.facebook.com/place27
2. 簡短地分享原因
3. 在活動結束時得到最多朋友留言回應或’喜歡’者即可得到奬品
4. 你不能投自己一票但你可以邀請其他的朋友來幫自己拉票
5. 你可以投票(不限制次數)給其他參賽者

7/21/2010 – 9/20/2010

由place27所設計的真皮護照夾(市價800元),詳細產品資訊請上官網 www.place27.tw 查詢。

《My Favorite Corner》contest !

Share with us your favorite corner at home or office and you will have an opportunity to win the award prepared by place27.

【Contest Rules】
1. Upload the photo of your favorite corner to place27 facebook fan page
2. Write a few words to share your reasons
3. The person who gets the most comments or ‘like’ by the time the contest ends wins the award
4. You can not vote for yourself, however, you can invite friends to vote for you
5. You can vote (unlimitedly) for other participants

【Contest Period】
7/21/2010 – 9/20/2010

Passport Wallet designed by place27 (retail price 800NTD). Visit our website www.place27.tw for product details.

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